
sentimental heart

Oh, oh, old habits die hard
When you got, when you got a sentimental heart
Piece of the puzzle
And you're my missing part
Oh, what can you do with a sentimental heart?
Oh, what can you do with a sentimental heart?

She&Him has been on repeat all of spring break.

Overall the week has been amazing, I was in Las Vegas until Wednesday and had a surprisingly relaxing time--lots of shopping therapy, illy coffee, sushi, and deep conversations with my mom. she really is my best friend, and i'm grateful that we had time away from all of our responsibilities to catch up with each other--we both have such busy schedules and this vacation gave us a chance to just enjoy each other's company. she's the best <3

This week-->BACK TO SCHOOL!:
-German History quiz
-YA fiction midterm
-more library research
-work X2
-new She&Him album comes out on Tuesday
-Tuesday is also, incidentally, Free Pastry Day @ Starbucks!
-lunch dates with homeskillets
-pinkberry opening party!
-fondue with the family
-much needed haircut @ aveda institute
-working on translation annotated bibliography + creative project for YA fiction

+i have my fingers crossed about other things working out. i know that i overthink situations a lot, and that is definitely something i need to work on. but i still have my fingers crossed for things going my way. i know that everything will work out for my highest good, and that [in addition to staying busy] has helped me from obsessing over things i have no control over. only time will tell, you know?


pre-spring break insanity

this week is driving me crazy. i'm trying to be responsible and organized, but there is so much to get done, and if i think about it i feel like i'm going to hyperventilate.

To- Do Lists always make me feel better though:
-study for/take English History midterm
-study for/take World Literature midterm
-young adult fiction reading assignment
-clean room
-translation history research project for World Literature
-work wednesday & friday
-study for/take Political Science midterm
-creative project for Young Adult Fiction

Plus some fun things like:
-hanging out with certain someone [!!!!!!]
-finishing packing for the EPIC SPRING BREAK ADVENTURE
-shopping for TOMS [hopefully plain black ones] and a barnes and noble afternoon complete with a skinny vanilla latte

Goals for This Spring:
-journal more
-make more time for friends [not to say that i'll spend less time on school, but there needs to be a balance]
-exercise regularly [even if this means jumping on the trampoline while watching mtv marathons]
-stay organized-->in school and at home!
-bake at least once a month...learn how to bake macarons!


five things

5 Things I Am Looking Forward To:
-graduating from UTA with my English B.A.
-going to law school/grad school [figuring out which path i want to take!]
-going on the Disney Caribbean cruise and to France this summer
-weekend plans ;]
-finishing my huge translation research project in World Lit

5 Things I Did Yesterday:
- went to my British History and Modern Germany History classes
- met up with my mama for yummy coffee and beignets
- walked to work and made amazing brownies with the kids
- ate a veggie Which Wich sandwich
- stayed up too late listening to miike snow and reading Greek mythology

5 Things I Wish I Could do:
- speak fluent German and French
- go to Disney World whenever I wanted [aka every weekend]
- play guitar [i'm not that great at it, since i can't figure out how to tune it!]
- bake macarons and cupcakes instead of studying right now
- Live in England for a year :D

5 Places I’d Like to Travel To:
- Paris [again]
- London [again]
- Tokyo!!
- Sweden & Norway
- Germany [again]

5 Things I'd Like Right Now:
-TOMS shoes...
-a Sprinkles black&white cupcake
-a teeny pug puppy named Gatsby
-a reality TV marathon with root beer floats
-a trip to the Harry Potter theme park